Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Actually had a decent night of sleep last night. The bed is still uncomfortable and hard but I guess I'm getting used to it now.

I swear the mosquitoes here have a higher IQ and are much more agile than the American ones. Probably because they don't live off of chemically altered and fat-filled blood. But there's been this mosquito haunting me for the past week. I have over 10 bites on me, most of which I don't even notice until I'm in the middle of scratching them. I swear I've swatted the bitch dead every time I've noticed it. But still it returns. And I haven't seen more than one at a time, so I'm pretty sure it's still the same mosquito. Especially since I haven't opened my window all day today.

Back to what happened today.
I woke up around 8:30, made a smoothie with our last banana, and did the dishes. Woke Lucas up around 9:30 so we could get to the fresh market before all the good fruits and veggies were gone. Went to the ATM (yay, my cards work!) except it decided to hate on Lucas today. It didn't give him the money and we have no idea what it said because both of us were distracted by the most obvious and obnoxious American tourists trying to figure out where they were while they were waddling around the piazza.
Anyway. We got to the fresh market, bought two bags worth of veggies for 7.15 euros (score!). Then we headed to COOP where we got a couple more odds and ends for the vegetarian chili I am making tonight.

I would like to state that we are addicted to these COOP cheese puffs. They are wonderful and delicious and only 0.36 euros for a larger bag of them. That's about $0.50. You can barely get a snack bag of Cheetoes for that much back in the states.

Made the 'chili'. It's more of just a mix of vegetables, beans, some spices, and tomato sauce. They don't have a lot of the spices I needed for it to make decent chili and they didn't have any green or jalapeno peppers that I saw either. And what I thought was an onion actually turns out to be fennel bulbs. I'm an idiot. But I know we can make roasted fennel or fennel soup with them later, so no loss.

This time difference thing is going to be difficult for talking with everyone. I was on Skype until about 1am talking to people because for them it was only around 5 or 6pm. Pooooooooooop.

I'm thinking of having Lucas bring me to the stone gardens and statue park area that he was talking about that he went to yesterday. He showed me some sketches of what he had done and it makes me even more interested to go see and possibly sketch as well. He said there were a bunch of other artists and students hanging around sketching there as well and it was amusing because there were people from all over the world there so no one really understood each other but was still complimenting on each other's work.

I think the 'chili' is done. So I'm going to finish this up and be done with this as well.

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