Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Second day of class. Today I actually was able to draw from life. I'm happy to actually have new models now, instead of the same models I've been drawing for the past 3 years.
I'm bored with the class, though. I love life drawing, but the way that they're making us work and the fact that I'm not allowed to go past a certain point irks me. It's going REALLY REALLY slow. Right now we're just doing basic pencil/line drawings without any detail or contour. We're supposed to keep it mainly just straight line. I realize that they're trying to teach us to really look and everything, but I've been doing this almost every day for the past 3 years. They're using the sight-size method which is really what I've been doing except a little less structured.
I hate standing. And I hate that they are making us stand a certain distance from the easel as well. It's near impossible for me to draw that way because I always end up having it really sketchy or incorrect. My hand doesn't seem to respond the same way drawing with an outstretched arm. I need to rest my palm or finger or have some base point to be able to get the correct lines.

I should be finishing my first Bargue drawing tomorrow as well. I hope they don't think I'm going too fast.

The teacher and assistant both came around today and critiqued me a bit. It irks me, some of the things they said because that's just how I work and I'm uncomfortable working another way. But they did point out a couple of things that made me fix my drawings.

During lunch I hung out with Lucas, Rachael (American who's been living in Florence for 2 years), a girl from New Zealand (didn't catch her name), and a girl from Iran (Mor). We ended up generally talking about modern and conceptual artists. It was interesting to hear everyone's opinion. The New Zealander had the same general feeling towards it that I do; if the artist cannot show that they understand basic anatomy, composition, color theory, etc (ie the basics of what all artists should know), then I don't care for their work and don't really respect them as an artist.

The internet there is also being awkward. It turns out the password wasn't FAA, but the actual network was named FAA without a password. So all I had to do was search to connect to the network FAA. But then for some reason it wouldn't load anything. None of my programs would connect to the internet, even though my computer said I was connected and had full bars as well. The assistant director, Susan, said she would contact someone who would probably know what's up and get back to me. She helped me with getting my computer connected in the first place, helped get more light into my studio (because for some reason the lights were dim and randomly flickered), and was talking to me about the fall weather and such for a while. I like her.
I just hope she hears back from whoever she contacted soon. I want to be able to be on the internet without having to constantly worry about being disconnected and wait 5+ minutes for one website to load.

It's been getting chilly also. It rained on and off the past couple of days and I've been wearing light jackets/hoodies. It's definitely not as cold as it is back in Chicago, but it's definitely Fall now. For some reason it's been getting really cold in our apartment. I think because we're up on the top floor. I taped pillow cases over my window so that the heat stays better, but it's still pretty chilly. I'm hoping to keep the heaters off as long as possible so as not to rack up the electric or gas (not sure which one the heaters are).

Also found seitan (fake meat, not soy but wheat based) and tofu. The only problem is that it was 6 euros for about a meal's worth. That translates to about $10. Icky. I'm hoping to find something cheaper at another specialty/organic/vegetarian store that I found online. The only problem is that it's about a 30-40 minute walk away. I'm hoping to head there tomorrow after school.

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