Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm actually starting to get people's names down now. The New Zealand girl is Amy, the Irish girl is Stephanie, the Venezuelan is Ilse, the Iranian is Mor, the American living in Florence for the past two years is Rachael, the weird American guy (he looked like a pirate yesterday and a cowboy today) is John, one of the Swedish guys is Johann, the German guy is Ulrich, the older Canadian lady is Laura, and then there's another American girl I've been talking two named Sara.

Internet is thankfully working at the school. My computer just died before I had a chance to play around on the internet there. Turns out Susan (the assistant director) noticed one of the lights on the modem was out yesterday before she left and jostled it around a bit and it turned on. It works now. Apparently that stupid little light not being on was the problem.

I should be finishing my Bargue drawing tomorrow and hopefully starting on a new one. I'll post pictures tomorrow of it and a couple of the model pencil drawings we've been doing. I just need to tweak a couple of things on the Bargue drawing. I know it isn't exact nor up to being any of my best work, but I see it as me getting into the swing of things again.

I had a cigarette today. Ilse bummed me one and I've been craving one since I got here because EVERYONE HERE SMOKES. I'm really not kidding. It's hard to find someone here who is not a smoker. I think Lucas and maybe a couple other of the students are the only people I know here who don't smoke. But I honestly don't think I'm going to have another cigarette for a while.

I'm as exhausted as I've been the past couple of days. I stayed up to talk with Erik last night, but not for too long. I was asleep by 1am. I've also been waking up 20-30 minutes before my alarm goes off as well and I usually sit in bed a while before just getting up because I can't fall asleep again. Plus, standing for around 8+ hours a day and walking everywhere really takes a toll. My feet hurt so much and my shoulders and neck and back and knees are really taking a beating from standing for so long. My knees were really feeling it today because to correctly measure each time while standing and drawing, you have to lock your knees. So that's 3 hours a day or more of locked knees. And trying to hold your arm still to measure correctly as well is killing my shoulder. I have a migraine right now because of all the tension from it.

Lucas and I went to the vegan/organic store today after school. We walked and walked and I couldn't help thinking that we were walking too far, even though it was far anyway (30+ minute walk). I looked at the numbers and we were at 220. The store was at 90. So we had to walk another 10 minutes backtracking. Finally we get to the store and I'm happy. The prices are still expensive, but WAY cheaper than the other store we went to. And they had a pretty good selection of vegan/vegetarian food. They even had a huge gluten/wheat free section that I might go back for. Eating all these grains again is giving me really bad heartburn and I think supplementing my sore and stiff back and shoulders as well.

Finally just got home maybe an hour ago. Lucas made some lo-mein with lo-mein noodles he found at a little Asian store that's on the way to the Duomo. We also go (fake) oyster sauce and coconut milk there. But he made the noodles, threw in some vegetables we had that needed to be used in the next day or two, and threw in some oyster sauce. We had some white wine with it as well. Made in Florence. It's VERY light and doesn't have much taste to it at all. But you can definitely feel the alcohol in your throat.

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