Sunday, October 10, 2010


This weekend was pretty fun. The beginning of the weekend, not so much, but otherwise it was.
On Thursday I started to get a migraine. As anyone who has had a migraine knows, it's pretty impossible to concentrate on anything when you have one. So I left halfway through classes and went home to rest.
Then for some reason, by the end of the night my back was in horrible pain. Especially this one spot. I usually get twinges and quick stab pains in that spot (right below my left shoulder blade close to or on my spine) but for some reason it was in constant pain. I couldn't really do much other than lay in bed because it hurt so much. I told Lucas chances are I wouldn't be going to classes the next day because of it and I didn't. More so because my migraine had not subsided either.
Lucas went out Friday night to hang out with Elena (the Venezuelan girl) but there was no way I was up to going out yet.
By Saturday morning everything was a lot better. My back still hurt like no other, but I could move around without wanting to cry and my migraine was gone. We went food shopping and then decided to stop by Elena's again, mainly because Lucas had left his bag there the previous night. Elena was home alone and really bored so we stayed there for a couple hours. She made us arreppas (probably spelled that wrong) and we each had a couple glasses of wine and talked and listened to music. We were trying to wait for her roommate Stephanie (the Irish girl) to get home to see if she wanted to come hang out with us, but by 7:30pm she wasn't home so we just left and headed back to our apartment. I made sangria earlier so we had sangria and then made some pizza as well. Then we got a call from one of the guys from school saying there was a party and we should go.
By then I was exhausted and my back was hurting again, so I passed. But apparently it was quite a time. Elena and Lucas bought some absinthe for the party. Ulrich (the German guy) apparently started himself and the table on fire there. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, but Elena and Lucas were quite inebriated from the absinthe that they left after only being there for a couple hours.
I woke up this morning to them both looking tired but not too hung over (by some miracle) and Elena has a couple new bruises and a fat lip from falling up the stairs to our apartment. Lucas left to go to the Pitti Palace again today and Elena and I are just hanging out in our apartment. We're getting hungry though and I told Lucas to pick up some corn flour for more arreppas. I think I'm addicted to them hahaha.
This weekend has been crazy. Lucas just got home and was saying that he and some of the students didn't even get into the Pitti Palace. Apparently someone broke their leg in the Palace so they held off letting everyone in for about an hour. They started letting some tour groups in after the first hour and then by 2 hours they took the broken leg guy out. Then they still were just letting the tour groups in and not people who have been waiting there for 2 hours. Then a riot broke out. Lesson: don't piss off groups of Europeans. Even if it seems to be a place that is nice and controlled like a museum.

Week two of school down. I'm happy that we're starting with charcoal tomorrow instead of still doing pencil. I was starting to get really bored with school considering we've been doing the same thing every day for the past two weeks. I'm also really hoping to get checked off on my Bargue finally. When the last teacher looked at it, she barely had anything to say on what was wrong so I'm hoping it's done now.

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