Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Lucas and I went to a 'buffet' (there's a specific Italian word for it that I forgot) last night with Rachel and her boyfriend, Fillepe (I probably spelled that wrong). The place is called Kitch and is actually about a 5-10 minute walk from our apartment. Rachel said it was the best one in town, and I definitely believe her after eating there.
With these 'buffet' places, you pay for a drink (usually around 7 euro) and then you can eat as much as you want. Apparently a lot of the places don't have a large variation, but this place was pretty good. Especially since a good deal of their dishes were vegetarian-friendly and they seemed to add different ones whenever one dish ran out.
It was also interesting talking with her boyfriend, who is a native Florentine, but spoke English very well. It was great because he knew a lot of American subjects and terms from Rachel. They want to hopefully do something with us this weekend as well.

I am getting so frustrated with class as well. Again, still not 'finished' with the Bargue drawing. And I'm still working on the preliminary drawing for my charcoal drawing that we start next week. I understand that they are just pencil drawings used to get an idea of everything before starting the final drawing, but still. It's so obnoxious how much they pick at your work. I also think that they're putting me and grading me at a different level. I see everyone else's work and honestly it is about the same as a middle-of-the-year/end-of-the-year freshman in Life Drawing at the American Academy of Art. Ugggghhhhh. I really had to beat myself up today to keep working on the drawings. And I still have another 2 hour session of drawing in about 40 minutes. I'm also fighting to stay awake right now, which is odd considering I have been getting 7 1/2-8 hours of sleep every night, drinking lots of water, and eating well.
I think Rachel puts it best: "This is an art concentration camp."

Anyway, aside from my complaining which I like to do but will do the work anyway, Lucas told me this morning that his mom is definitely coming in late November/early December. It's awesome because she wants to go to Rome with us when she comes in and she said she'd foot the hotel bill. Yay free lodging!

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