Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yes! The internet is finally working, obviously by the fact that I am now posting this blog.

Both of my checking and my credit card accounts are back up and working again. Yeah.

I feel crappy today. I actually got to sleep around 11pm last night and woke up around 8:30am but I still feel ucky. Been just laying in bed reading some more and watched the rest of Gladiator that I started last night. And now on the internet.

Lucas has been gone all day. I heard him leave early this morning, but it's kind of bothering me that he hasn't been home yet at all. I knew he was going out today because he told me he was going to take photos along the river and such. It's probably just him getting caught up in taking pictures of everything, like he usually does.

I was going to go to the store today but I really don't feel up to it. Lost my promise to get out of the apartment every day, but today I have the excuse of feeling icky not just because I don't want to. I'll just make some casserole or something with the veggies we still have for dinner tonight.

I WANT CHOCOLATE SO BAD. But it's so damned expensive here.

Still trying to figure out the mail as well. We know there are these little mailboxes right when you walk in the building, but we have no idea which is ours. And I want to know what happens if someone sends up a package or something that doesn't fit in the little mailbox. I really don't want to call the landlord again because, honestly, he seems like he's kind of an idiot and half the stuff I've asked him about he didn't quite know.

FYI for you all. I now have Skype since I have the internet. My name on there is jesskoepke. I should be on around the time most of you are getting off of work/school so if you want to talk to me, get on right then because it'll be around midnight for me (5pm-ish central time) and I want to go to sleep, but it's the only real time to talk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess;
    This is Alto and I want you to make sure that your stay in Florence is memoreable and whatever you need just let me and your Mom know and we will make it happen for you.
    I will have money deposited to your account tonight so you will have it tomorrow.....
